Sichuan Hongke Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd

Sichuan Hongke Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
Non-ferrous metals
Business Scope:
Scrap metal, house demolition, plant demoliti
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Sichuan Hongke Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd. has been recycling waste metals, copper, iron, aluminum, transformers, cables, motors, mining waste equipment and other waste materials at a high price for a long time. In addition, it has long undertaken the decoration and demolition of hotels, hotels, schools and hotels, the decoration and demolition of shopping malls, the demolition of houses, the demolition of factories, the recycling of closed factories and other businesses We are committed to China's recycling industry based on the concept of honesty and win-win cooperation. Over the years, with our strong strength and door-to-door service attitude, we have won the respect and recognition of our peers. Welcome to call and negotiate...See More Information>>
Sichuan Hongke Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
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  • Company Name:Sichuan Hongke Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112